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Everyone deals with burnouts, in one way or another

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Diary 2 - Multitasking and technology

Hi Diary,

Here I am again. Another week has flown by. This week already started off rough because I went to school, but I had to get up at 5 am to finish the homework I didn’t get to on Sunday night. All-day, I had been running around like a headless chicken between school, the gym, I had to finish something for work, and I was worried about the online habits revelation I had last week.

I was thinking about the number of hours I spend online and how that impacts my life. I genuinely believe I would feel healthier if I reduced those hours a little. I think I would be happier and maybe find a bit more of a balance in my own life. Now I feel like I want to change this, but how? It is expected of me to be online, to know what is up in the world, and to connect to others. I don’t know what to do…

Yesterday I received an overview of the student debt I have already accumulated, and I haven’t even finished studying yet. This caused me to have another panic attack. My friend Lizzie had to help me calm down by sitting me down and helping me control my breath. I don’t know what is happening to me, but I feel like I cannot find my peace anymore. I just feel so rushed every day.

I better get to sleep, maybe that will help.

Good night!

The focus of the diary this week is on the multitasking habits of millennials and how technology can have adverse effects on your wellbeing.

An interviewed company physician (2019) states that he thinks the combination of always being online, studying, and working creates a busier lifestyle for millennials that is often a cause for burnouts. Multitasking all of these things makes it harder for them to find relaxation and a moment to recharge.

Prof. David Murray (2017) addresses three leading causes of burnouts in the Western culture, based on his research, which directly affects the population and thus millennials. These three main causes are technology, financial stress, and a sedentary lifestyle. Technology is a significant influence on burnout minds because it restrains people from giving their brain rest. The brain is continuously focused on something and gets no rest to deal with all of this stimulation. There is no time to do nothing anymore; due to the use of technology, the brain has to focus on something continually.

Deloitte conducted a survey as well about the negative impacts of social media, in which it showed that when asked about reducing time on social media:

64% of millennials say they would be physically healthier

60% of millennials say they would be a happier person

55% of millennials say they think social media harms balance in life

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The past months I have done thorough research about burnouts concerning mainly millennials. I wrote a paper about it that you can read here. I hope you enjoy reading it, be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

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